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How Virtual Reality Prepares Nurses for High Acuity Situations

VR scenario for high acuity nursing

Acuity levels often refer to a patient’s status level, with higher acuity meaning a more unstable condition. Sepsis is one example of a condition with high acuity. A high acuity setting may refer to the intensive care unit (ICU) or emergency department (ED).  Nursing in high acuity environments requires honed critical thinking and clinical reasoning […]

Virtual Reality or Manikin-based Simulation?

Debriefing group

When it comes to healthcare training and education, simulation is a core component designed to apply, test, and refine clinical skills in a safe environment for the learner.  There are many ways to accomplish this, from traditional methods like manikin-based simulations and the use of standardized patients to more modern methods like virtual simulation and […]

Top 5 Benefits of VR in Nursing Education

Cardiac exam in virtual reality

What’s the deal with virtual reality? And why is it making such big waves?  Maybe it’s time to pick up surfing and come along for the ride…but how do you know it’s the right way to go?  Start at the beginning – read on for the core benefits of using VR in nursing education: Psychological […]

Bridging the Gap: Insights from Our Recent Roundtable on Nursing Practice

In September of this year, we hosted a group of leaders from across the United States, inviting them to join us in San Antonio for a roundtable discussion on bridging the gap between nursing school and the transition to practice.  Understanding the difficult nature of transitioning from schooling to practice, it was imperative for us […]

Bringing Faculty into the Fold: Virtual Reality and the Learn Where You Live Program

Eye exam with virtual patient

New Brunswick, Canada is a large yet rural province. Finding ways to support the healthcare needs of rural communities is a key challenge for the faculty in the nursing program at the University of New Brunswick (UNB), who have successfully incorporated virtual reality within the Learn Where You Live (LWYL) Program. The Learn Where You […]

Simulation and your Return on Investment

Four nursing students with talking with an educator

Running a sim lab is serious business! Imagine… You’re in charge of running and maintaining your institution’s simulation lab, complete with manikins, task trainers, and, at times, standardized patients.  As part of your role, you must coordinate the schedules of all 200 nursing students and faculty for a day of simulation – not to mention […]

How to Bolster Critical Thinking in Nursing with Virtual Reality

Coordination exam with virtual patient

In nursing, critical thinking is a vital and necessary skill. It’s not only critical thinking – clinical reasoning, clinical decision-making, and clinical judgment are all core components of nursing.  While the nuances of these terms have been much discussed, they are all interrelated and function together as nurses observe, analyze, and take action.  For example, […]

Unlocking Success in Healthcare: How VR Training Elevates Patient Care, Staff, and New Nurses

Woman in scrubs in VR headset

Virtual reality is a hot topic these days, particularly in healthcare education and training – and for good reason.  VR scenarios are helping learners across the lifespan of their careers. From junior learners working on building foundational skills to newly licensed practitioners transitioning to practice to advanced clinicians continuing their education, there’s something there for […]