Academic Institutions

Giving your students flexibility to learn exactly what they need, anywhere.

Healthcare Systems

A customizable and scalable solution to address workforce training.

Competency Mapping & Tracking

Align feedback & data with competency frameworks

Key features:
Link simulation with specific competencies

Powerful performance analytics
Reliably track progress

Bridge actions in-scenario with real-world competencies reflected in feedback and data. Track progress on an individual, cohort, or institutional level with reliable performance analytics.

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Identify and remediate knowledge gaps
Make data-driven decisions

Tagged actions provide detailed insight into individual clinical performance, directly linking back to core competencies, while group-level data help identify trends or knowledge gaps to drive data-based decisions. 

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Identify and remediate knowledge gaps
Make data-driven decisions

Tagged actions provide detailed insight into individual clinical performance, directly linking back to core competencies, while group-level data help identify trends or knowledge gaps to drive data-based decisions. 

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Competency Mapping & Tracking feature

Link to any learning objective
Choose from 10 in-built frameworks or add your own

Select from any one of 10 existing frameworks with the ability to change at any time. Utilize customization to create new or specific frameworks to meet any learning need. 

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