Academic Institutions

Giving your students flexibility to learn exactly what they need, anywhere.

Healthcare Systems

A customizable and scalable solution to address workforce training.


Upcoming events

Emergency Nursing

ENA is ready to ignite the mind, body and spirit of thousands of emergency nursing professionals in the one-and-only Las Vegas! Get ready for an immersive journey packed with hands-on learning, top-notch sessions, dynamic networking events and can’t-miss celebrations guaranteed to help your career shine.

NLN Education Summit

The NLN Education Summit brings together nurse educators from around the world to explore trending and emerging topics impacting the nursing education profession and to discover innovative strategies and solutions that address day-to-day challenges.

Explore previous webinars

Increase your simulated placement hours with OMS

Megabuild 8: What you can expect next from OMS

Multi-Patient: Everything You Need To Know

Are you ready to bring OMS to your institution?