OMS Scenarios

Unparalleled breadth and depth

Adaptive, evidence-based, immersive VR simulations
Prepare for any clinical situation

Scenarios across specialties
Practice holistically

Develop a comprehensive practice, working across specialties including maternal care, pediatrics, and mental health. 

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Train a range of clinical skills
Foundation to practice

Start with fundamental skills training or call upon multiple skills for complex case management. Work through components of skills, practice through a single patient case, or manage multiple patients with varying levels of complexity to reflect the requirements of daily practice.  

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Train a range of clinical skills
Foundation to practice

Start with fundamental skills training or call upon multiple skills for complex case management. Work through components of skills, practice through a single patient case, or manage multiple patients with varying levels of complexity to reflect the requirements of daily practice.  

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Dynamic learning environments
Multi-modal approach

Focus on clinical decision making as an individual practitioner, foster collaborative interdisciplinary teams, speak with AI-driven patients, or build psychomotor skills for procedures using a multi-modal approach.  

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Are you ready to bring OMS to your institution?