Academic Institutions

Giving your students flexibility to learn exactly what they need, anywhere.

Healthcare Systems

A customizable and scalable solution to address workforce training.

Can maternity simulation really be pain-free?

As a simulation professional, you or your team have likely considered the possibility of adding maternal simulation to your curriculum.

There are many benefits to doing so – providing sought after opportunities to learn ‘hands-on’ techniques, preparing learners for certification and making-up for missed clinical opportunities, just to name a few.

The Importance of Simulation

This week is Healthcare Simulation week and as part of the celebrations we take a look at five reasons to salute the wonderful practice of simulation…

Is Embracing Human Error the Future of Healthcare?

Humans make mistakes. Outside hospital we admit these mistakes, own up to them with people we trust and try not to repeat them again. Yet what is taken as normal in everyday life doesn’t work in healthcare.