It’s been over two months since many institutions across the world have had to cancel face-to-face education. Let’s take a minute to celebrate the immense amount of work, adaptation and change educators and students alike have had to do in order to continue delivering quality education at a distance!
One of our values here at OMS is collaboration. As we all continue to adapt to the new normal and consider the Fall semester, we’d like to partner, assist and collaborate with faculty in the process of implementing distance and virtual simulation.
We do this in our everyday work as we chat with you about your needs and learning objectives. We’re also helping by continuing to offer our 60-day free Implementation trial to support distance learning. And we’ve now created a suite of guides, activities and templates to help you implement OMS in the distance learning classroom.
We’ve been able to create many of these resources thanks to the quick work of the #FOAMsim community, who have banded together to share their knowledge about the implementation of virtual simulation. Expert authors and communities of practice such as the International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL), Simulation Canada, Margaret Verkyl, Cynthia Foronda, Jocelyn Ludlow, and more have released a wealth of information related to virtual simulation. A few of our favorites are:
- Evidence to Support Virtual Simulation as an Effective Pedagogy During the Pandemic: Research and Policy Implications
- Prebriefing Guide for Online, Remote and Virtual Simulations
- Debriefing Virtual Simulation: The Evidence and Recommendations

While we’re all for staying as up-to-date and informed as possible and reviewing primary sources of information, we also recognize that time is a precious resource, so save you time and energy we’ve watched all the webinars and read the relevant research!
With any OMS trial we therefore provide free consultation on best-practice for virtual and distance simulation implementation, blended learning tools and access to our latest evidence-based resources for faculty.
These cover topics such as:
- Considerations for implementing distance and virtual simulation, including setting expectations, grading (or not), preparatory work, debriefs, and post-scenario activities
- Walkthrough guides for synchronous and asynchronous distance and virtual simulation activities
- Self-reflection activities for students
- …with more to come!